As the Class of 2021 graduates from Haas, we are welcoming new Haasies and starting recruitment across the Full Time, Evening and Weekend, and Executive MBA programs. Whether you are entering your first year at Haas or starting the application process, we are sharing tips from the Class of 2021 to help make the most of your experience. We hope you find them helpful along your journey.
Congrats to the Class of 2021! Thanks for sharing your wisdom and we can’t wait to see what you will all accomplish. As always, Go Bears!

Anna Lee (EWMBA 21)
I think a lot of people coming into Haas are either explorers or pivoters, so this is really great for them to hear that you don’t have to have it figured out when you come to campus. You can take your time to explore here. You can get motivated by your classmates.
To hear more about Anna’s journey to and experience at Haas, click here to listen to her episode.

Ana Alanis (FTMBA 21)
We all have different strengths. We all work together and that’s one big thing with Haas. We’re big on teamwork. So, as you’re applying, think of what your strong suits are; think of what you want to work on. But don’t worry too much about what you need to work on because you will have classmates who can help you with all of that.
To hear more about Ana’s journey to and experience at Haas, click here to listen to her episode.

Dawa Ardiles (FTMBA 21)
Every school has its own culture, and [schools] really recruit in terms of certain characteristics. So, make sure you talk to a lot of people and understand their underlying similarities between [them] and make sure you will be comfortable spending two years with them.
To hear more about Dawa’s journey to and experience at Haas, click here to listen to her episode.

Akonkwa Mubagwa (FTMBA 21)
It’s a real paradox in the MBA program because a lot of the MBA program is about the future. But at the same time, so much can be said about being in this particular moment and living this particular moment because it’s also a part of the journey.
To hear more about Akonwka’s journey to and experience at Haas, click here to listen to his episode.

Adolfo Quesada Viciana (FTMBA 21)
My advice would be, this is a very expensive learning so take the most out of it, but prioritize your fun, your experience, and your mental health also. You have to try to pursue a fair balance of a social-academics-career, but always do it because you want them, because you love the things.
To hear more about Adolfo’s journey to and experience at Haas, click here to listen to his episode.